Stomach Acid

I remember when I used to get heartburn all the time. I was under the impression I had too much stomach acid. So, I always had my bottle of Tums. They would temporarily relieve symptoms, however, the irony is they were actually exacerbating the problem by depleting the stomach acid that was already deficient. […]
Connecting Nature and Neurotransmitters

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” ― John Muir, John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir The physical health benefits of exposure to fresh air, natural light, and rich greenery are often talked about. But nature […]
9 Ways to Manage Holiday Stress

Tis the season for waiting in airport lines, spending a little too much money, Googling gift ideas, getting stuck in traffic, navigating through crowds, dealing with fluctuating COVID-19 regulations, and of course, family. I’ve posted stress relieving tips before, but considering the absolute chaos that can be the holiday season, there’s no such thing as too […]
Your Immune System: How it Works and How to Make it Work Better

The world is full of germs. The good news: exposure to germs allows your body to adapt and strengthen accordingly. Even better news: there are ways to empower your immune system without having to get sick. A healthy immune system is equipped to repel and remove harmful bacteria, viruses, and other substances, and prevents them […]
Top 5 Chiropractors in Clifton, New Jersey

We’ve searched the surrounding Clifton area for only the best chiropractors. Our top 5 picks are listed below along with their contact information. 1 – Drs. Ronald and Christa D’Amato – Atlas Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center | (973.894.3300) We double-checked and Drs. D’Amato of Atlas Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center continue to be the top […]
Digestion: How it Works and How it Could Work Better

The old adage of “you are what you eat” is actually only partially true. Yes, the quality of nutrition and calories that you consume are important factors of overall health. But how much of that nutrition your body is able to assimilate and incorporate into its muscles, neurons, and tissues is just as vital. And […]
Detox Your Body the Healthy Way

There’s no shortage of detox programs and ‘flat belly’ juice cleanses out there. “Detox” has become quite the buzzword, circulating through just about every influencer’s Instagram feed. But while detox programs have become hugely popular, actually detoxing the body seems to be harder than ever. The idea behind detox plans is that we need to […]
Fats: the good, the bad, and the essential

There’s a common misconception that all fats are bad for you and all fats contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease. The truth, however, is that our bodies need fat to function. Fats can help store and carry nutrients, provide protective insulation for our organs, contribute to better metabolism, form cell membrane integrity and permeability, […]

One of the common misconceptions people have about their health is that cholesterol is unhealthy. As a matter of fact, not only is cholesterol good for you, but a deficiency of cholesterol can be dangerous. The liver produces 75% of the cholesterol content in the body, while the remaining 25% comes from the food we […]
How to Age Gracefully

As we age, damage accumulates in our bodies due to everyday exposures that will ultimately result in cell death. Over time, these factors will naturally predispose us to cancer and other diseases. There are several factors that influence the aging process of the human body. Lifestyle choices and habits play a large role in determining […]